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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Aniekan Okon - Gordon Research Conference Best Poster Award

Graduate student Aniekan Okon won a best poster award at the "Translation Machinery and Health: Protein Synthesis and Beyond" Gordon Research Conference, held February 22-27 in Ventura, California. Aniekan is a member of the Wagner lab.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Elbek Kurbanov - 2015 Doctoral Research Showcase

Graduate student Elbek Kurbanov, member of Elizabeth Amin's lab, will present his research on Computational, Synthetic, Biochemical and X-ray Crystallographic Methods for Anthrax Toxin Lethal Factor (LF) Inhibitor Design at the Graduate School's 2015 Doctoral Research Showcase on Tuesday, April 7, 12 - 2 p.m. in the Great Hall, Coffman Memorial Union.

The event, highlighting the research of 85 recipients of prestigious University of Minnesota doctoral fellowships, is free and open to the public.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Dr. Gunda Georg named to Grand Challenges Research Strategies Group

Department of Medicinal Chemistry head Gunda Georg will serve on the new campus-wide Grand Challenges Research Strategies group. Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Karen Hanson solicited suggestions for membership from all Twin Cities campus deans, seeking a group of senior faculty who could take an expansive and informed view and yet be open to extensive consultation with all levels and elements of our campus. 

The group has been charged with gathering perspectives from across the campus on the cross-disciplinary areas of research and scholarship where the University has, or are poised to have, exceptional strength and a competitive advantage. In consultation with faculty, staff, and students, and with relevant external experts, they will then suggest which of these areas might best align with the Grand Challenge criteria outlined by the Strategic Planning Workgroup. 

Dr. Gunda Georg – U.S. News & World Report

The U.S. News & World Report feature, The Future of Male Birth Control, includes a profile of Gamendazole, the male birth control pill being developed by medicinal chemistry department head Gunda Georg with Joseph Tash from the University of Kansas.